Ep 5: Challenging unhelpful money beliefs
Welcome to episode 5 of this limited series, 'For Love & Money.' We’re half-way through the process of healing our relationship with money and this is where we shift from reflection to action.
In this episode, we’re going to talk about challenging our beliefs around money. This isn’t just about challenging the negative or false beliefs about money (although that is a good place to start). It’s really about challenging any beliefs that are unhelpful when it comes to our personal money story.
I will share some of the unhelpful beliefs that have shaped my money story and the new beliefs I replaced them with. I will also provide you with a journaling exercise to help you identify which beliefs are working for you and which beliefs you might want to challenge.
Your beliefs create your outcomes. Enjoy the episode and send me a text using the link above to share your biggest insights during the series so far!
We don't heal in isolation. We heal in relationships. Connect with me on instagram @dallislunaoffical or send me a text message using the link above.
With love,